You are receiving this letter because you are one of my Spartans - my top-producing brokers and investor clients - of whom I am allowed to have 300. Removal instructions are below. Today we'll talk about commercial lending when the population stops growing. And, of course, we have lots of cute, clean jokes, some funny pics, and a video about how astronauts go potty in space. I'm serious.
Joke Du Jour
Little Tony was staying with his grandmother for a few days. He'd been playing outside with the other kids for awhile, when he came into the house and asked her, "Grandma, what is it called when two people are sleeping in the same room and one is on top of the other?" She was a little taken aback, but she decides to tell him the truth. "It's called making love, darling." Little Tony just said, "Oh, okay" and went back outside to the other kids. A few minutes later he came back in and said angrily, "Grandma, it is not called making love! It's called bunk beds! And Jimmy's mom wants to talk to you right now."
I Hear They're Quite Tasty

Private Money Commercial Loans Nationwide From $100,000 to $3.5MM
Is your client's commercial property partially vacant? Do you need a lender who will allow the seller to carry back a second mortgage? Does your client have a balloon payment coming due on his commercial property? Has your bank offered him a discounted pay-off? Does your borrower have less-than-stellar credit? Is your client's company losing money? Is your borrower a foreign national? Do you need a non-recourse loan? We make slightly scratched-and-dented commercial loans.
Our hot, new product is a blanket loan against a portfolio of rental homes. Rental homes? Yup, as long as there are at least five homes or units, we consider this to be a commercial loan. We even offer a partial release clause. This loan is ideal for speculators.
And don't forget, we will quickly and happily issue you a written Loan Approval Letter - at no charge - that you can use as a fallback and to lure cheaper lenders. After all, everyone wants to lend to you if you already have a commitment. Here is our latest rate sheet.
Blackburne & Sons is looking for commercial real estate loans that are not quite clean enough for a bank. Please click here to submit a hard money commercial loan or call me, Tom Blackburne, at (574) 210-6686.
Electrons Joke
Professor Stein was lecturing his physics class. "If molecules can be split into atoms and the atoms split into electrons, can the electrons be broken down any further?" A pupil replied, "I'm not certain, but a sure way to find out would be to mail some of them in a Christmas package marked 'fragile.'"
When the Population Starts To Shrink
In the old days, the way to get rich was to buy real estate and to simply wait for the population to grow and for the value of your real estate to skyrocket. Unfortunately for Europe and Japan, their populations are now shrinking. It takes around 2.3 children per couple to maintain a country's population, and the birth rate in both Europe and Japan is less than 1.6 children per couple.
The birth rate in the United States is slightly better, but its still only around 1.88. But for immigration, the population of the U.S. would be shrinking. Thomas Friedman, in his landmark book, The Next 100 Years, has predicted that when the Baby Boom Generation finally retires, many countries in the world will actually be competing for immigrants!
So where does a smart commercial lender make his new commercial real estate loans today? He makes them where the most new jobs will be created - in gateway cities. What is a gateway city? Why do commercial lenders only want to make their new commercial loans in gateway cities? Why do gateway cities create so many new jobs? It will all make sense to you once you have read this important blog article.
Need a commercial loan? Simply complete this super-easy mini-app.
Children Are God's Greatest Blessing, John. You Should Be Dancing in the Street!

Tattoos Joke I
"As of today, Starbucks will allow their employees to display tattoos and ear gauges. Those are the round plugs that some people put in their ear lobe to let the world know their dads never played catch with them." -- Jimmy Kimmel
Small Balance Preferred Equity ($100K to $1MM)
If an investor wants to buy a leased commercial property, banks today will seldom lend more 58% to 62% LTV. Your buyer only wants to put down 25% of the purchase price
Quick, easy preferred equity from Blackburne & Sons fills in the missing piece of the capital stack. We'll add our $150,000 in equity dollars to your client's $250,000 down payment to create a down payment large enough to satisfy the bank. Think of our preferred equity as tiny Joint Venture investments.
For more information, please call Tom Blackburne at (574) 210-6686.
Tattoos Joke II
"Scientists have discovered that a 5,000-year-old mummy is covered with at least 60 tattoos. Scientists are calling him the earliest known member of the NBA." -- Conan O'Brien
Sweet Apartment Loan Program for "A" Deals
Blackburne & Sons has a terrific apartment loan program for "A" quality deals.
Our fixed rate is adjusted according to the desirability of the property and the area, but it starts at 3.87% and 1 point for a 30-year fully-amortized loan. For more details, please call Tom Blackburne at (574) 210-6686.
Nominated For Dad of the Year By His Dog

Learner's Permit Joke
A teenager who had just received her learner's permit offered to drive her parents to church. After a hair-raising ride, they finally reached their destination. The mother got out of the car and said, "Thank you!" "Anytime," her daughter replied. As the woman slammed the door, she said, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to God."
Too Busy to Broker Commercial Loans to Us? Why Not Just Refer Them Instead? We Make It Easy!
We once paid a $21,250 referral fee. Here is our referral fee program.
Cool Video - How To Use the Bathroom in Space
There is no gravity in space. How do they make a number two?
On a Personal Note
I just got back from a week long vacation with the family. We went on a cruise to the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, and then the Bahamas. The weather was amazing and the time away from work was even better. We got to swim in the ocean, snorkel amongst a plethora of sea animals, and even kiss a wild string ray! But despite the unique experiences, the best part about the vacation was sharing the memories with my parents. Now, there is an argument to be made that spending time with one’s parents is in no way a “vacation”, but I would disagree and here is why: As I have gotten older, the way I view my parents has changed. I no longer think of them solely as a means for guidance (and financial help in desperate times!). I have actively pursued getting to know them not as parents, but rather as individuals, separate from each other. And because of this, the highlight of my vacation was sipping CocoLoco’s with them on the beach of Coco Cay, reminiscing on the wonderful adventures we had just experienced together.

Don't Forget About
We have a whole new crop of hungry commercial lenders on C-Loans, so if you have a commercial loan you're trying to place, it takes just four minutes to submit your deal to 750 commercial lenders. And remember, is free!
Final Funny
A man was stopped by a game warden in Northern Minnesota recently with two buckets of fish leaving a lake well known for its fishing. The game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?" The man replied to the game warden, "No, sir. These are my pet fish." "Pet fish?!" the warden replied. "Yes, sir. Every night I take these fish down to the lake and let them swim around for a while. I whistle, they jump back into their buckets, and I take em home." "That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that!" The man looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, "Here, I'll show you. It really works." "Okay, I've got to see this!" the game warden replied. The man poured the fish in to the water and stood and waited. After several minutes, the game warden turned to the man and said, "Well?" "Well, what?" the man asked. "When are you going to call them back?" the game warden prompted. "Call who back?" the man asked. "The FISH." Fighting to stifle a grin, the fisherman replied, "What fish?"
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This free e-book contains seven of George's best blog articles on the subject of commercial real estate finance.
Contact Information
Tom Blackburne
BRE# - 01919403
NMLS# - 1014118
4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95841
Phone: (574) 210-6686
Fax: (916) 338-2328