Volume 2, Issue 7

Newsletter Date:  July 18, 2012


You are receiving this letter because you are a client of either Blackburne & Sons or C-Loans, Inc. Removal instructions are below. Today we'll talk about some good news about the commercial real estate industry. And, of course, like always, we have lots of cute, clean jokes and gags for you.

Joke Du Jour

Q: How is playing the bagpipes like throwing a javelin blindfolded?

A: You don’t have to be very good to get people’s attention.

Commercial Loans From $100,000 to $1.5MM

Blackburne & Sons is looking for commercial real estate loans that are not quite clean enough for a bank. Please click here to submit a hard money commercial loan or call me, Alicia Gandy, at 916-338-3232.

Mean Trick at the Olympics

“Here’s a good trick: Get a job as a judge at the Olympics. Then, if some guy sets a world record, pretend that you didn’t see it and go, 'OK, is everybody ready to start now?'” -- Jack Handey

Good News About Commercial Real Estate

Office vacancies nationwide have fallen for the last seven quarters in a row. The net office space absorption rose to 11.1 million square feet during the second quarter, which was an improvement from the previous quarter's 7.8 million square feet. In addition, the vacancy rate for offices dropped 10 basis points to 15.8 percent during the quarter. The average asking rent price was $21.70 per square foot during the second quarter, which was a five-cent increase - 1.5 percent - from the same point in 2011.

That New Movie, "Savages"

This is old-man Blackburne writing this section: I recently ran out of the theater while attempting to watch this movie. The movie was beautifully made, but the subject matter was absoutely terrifying. Some California kids run afoul of a Mexican drug cartel, and depths of the violence left me shaking. I saw the movie twice. I ended up coming back to watch the end of the movie another day. This was scary stuff because its a level of violence that is really happening in Mexico. Yikes!

Pole Vaulter Joke

While walking through the Olympic Village, a reporter meets a man carrying an eight-foot-long metal stick and asks, “Are you a pole vaulter?” “No,” says the man, “I’m German. But how did you know my name is Walter?”

Too Busy to Broker Commercial Loans to Us? Why Not Just Refer Them Instead? We Make It Easy!

We once paid a $21,250 referral fee. Here is our referral fee program.

On a Personal Note

George IV, please insert text here.

Silver Medal Joke

"I have a problem with that silver medal. It’s like, 'Congratulations, you almost won. Of all the losers, you’re the number one loser. No one lost ahead of you.'” -- Jerry Seinfeld

Don't Forget About C-Loans.com

We have a whole new crop of hungry commercial lenders on C-Loans, so if you have a commercial loan you're trying to place, it takes just four minutes to submit your deal to 750 commercial lenders. And remember, C-Loans.com is free!

Final Funny

The French, German, and Hungarian fencers are arguing over who is the best in their sport. The Frenchman pulls out his foil: “I will show you all!” He targets a fly buzzing around, and with one swipe of his blade, the fly falls to the ground, cut neatly in half. The German smiles. He locates another fly, and with two swipes, it falls to the ground, its wings neatly removed. Now it’s the Hungarian’s turn. Lifting his foil, he takes three swipes at a fly, which flutters off, undisturbed. The others laugh, but the Hungarian holds up his hands. “That fly,” he says, “will never procreate again.”

Contact Information

Tim Brannan
NMLS - 389670
4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101
Sacramento, CA 95841
Phone: (916) 338-3232 x304
Fax: (916) 338-2328
: timb@blackburne.com

Get to Know Tim Brannan

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4811 Chippendale Drive, Suite 101, Sacramento, CA 95841 telephone: (916) 338-3232 * Fax: (916) 338-2328
Real Estate Broker -- California Department of Real Estate -- License Number 01330173

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